"... Brad invites viewers into the works; he carves a space within his art from which we may look back out. Finally, he explores our sense of interiority by portraying his own."
Agora Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
"Dan Brad is an original artist of the moment, with an international activity and great success to public and art critics. His art works can be found in art galleries from U.S.A. and Europe, in the collections of several institutions and private collectors around the world ..."
International Contemporary Artists,
I.C.A.Publishing, New York, U.S.A.
"DAN BRAD Nel 2003 conia il termine Realismo di Concetto aggiungendolo come ramo dell’Espressionismo Astratto, manifestazione in cui egli stilizza le forme e i concetti fin che ne raggiunge l’essenza.
Il Realismo di Concetto, apre il nucleo fondamentale degli elementi concreti, tirando in luce il bello spirituale creato al inizio, rappresentato artisticamente con l’aiuto di cromatismo e dinamismo dell’Espressionismo Astratto."
Bartolomeo Di Monaco - Critico d'Arte
Rivista d'arte "PARLIAMONE"
"Dan Brad is present in the 'Dictionary of Artists'.
An invaluable guide for galleries, buyers, decorators, commissions, shops, selection committees. For artists, the International Dictionary of Artists puts their name on the map no matter where they are, it's now easy to be found!"
World Wide Art Books,
Santa Barbara, CA, U.S.A.
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